Find and hire the best Doctors and Nurses, faster

Transform your medical recruitment process, with access to the most comprehensive , searchable pool of GPs and Nurse Practitioners in Australasia.

With Insource your HR team can bring your recruitment process in-house, saving you precious time and money.

How Insource works

Insource is a subscription-based recruitment platform with a dynamic, searchable, and comprehensive pool of GPs and Nurse Practitioners in New Zealand and Australia.


Visibility of GPs and Nurse Practitioners by their location, education and workplace connections.

Complete transparency at every stage of the recruitment process including where GPs or Nurse Practitioners are in their immigration process and vocational training.

Insights into where GPs are practising, skill levels and experience across the entire market.

There will be an estimated shortfall of 10 million healthcare workers worldwide by 2030
World Economic Forum
9 January, 2023

Primary care is the backbone of a high performing health care system. The combination of retirements, vacancies, and burnout is creating a drastic shortage of GPs and a pressing need for effective recruitment solutions.

Built by a search recruiter specifically to solve industry needs, Insource will not only address the current staff shortages but create a talent pipeline to recruit locally and internationally.

In 2023 Insource formed a strategic partnership with New Zealand healthcare provider Care Group to enable expansion into the health sector. Care Group is now an investor shareholder, and an early adopter of Insource Ltd.

A simple platform that was built to help you find, connect with and manage the people you want on your team.