Find and hire the best lawyers, faster.

Take control of your recruitment.

Use Insource technology to find and connect with the right people for your current and future roles.

Find the right talent

Access more than 100,000 lawyers and all registered legal executives in Australia and New Zealand.

Save on recruitment costs

Build your talent pool and reach out to candidates directly to save thousands of dollars finding and hiring quality legal talent in your market

Stay one step ahead

See who your competitors are hiring

Our Clients

Loved by the best in business

"We have reduced our agency spend by more than 30% and reduced our time to hire by upwards of 25%"
Olivia Holmes
Chief People Officer
Macpherson Kelley
"Insource has given us control of our recruitment. We're able to identify and reach out to candidates that are a good fit for our firm"

Caitlin White

People & Culture Advisor

Carter Newell

"We use Insource everyday. We can identify someone who has a particular area of expertise that we work in"

Tessa Sims

People & Culture Manager

Wooton + Kearney

"Insource enables us to build pools of talent and then work to recruit from those pools"

Lisa Jacobs


Anthony Harper

How Insource technology helps

Insource contains a searchable database with up to date profiles of more than 100,000 lawyers with a New Zealand or Australian practising certificate, and all registered legal executives.

Complete visibility of the entire talent pool Insource enables you to:

  • quickly identify and hire the right candidates for live vacancies
  • build future talent pipelines
  • get insights into the movement and composition of talent

Recruitment service

Are you struggling to find the time to fill all the live roles in your firm?

Insource Recruitment Partners now available.


Insource is the fastest way to hire quality and specialist lawyers and legal executives at a fraction of the cost and time.

Insource Insights

A simple platform that was built to help you find, connect with and manage the people you want on your team.